
8 01, 2019

How to configure live chat.

Before You Proceed

It is important to understand that for live chat to work effectively, you must be available to respond to chat requests as they arrive to your smart phone or PC. Visitors are expecting an instant dialogue. If you are not available, ie, travelling, with a client or too busy, you must remember to turn off live chat from your device. Doing so, disables the widget on your website automatically. Turning it on, enables this feature.

Tip:  You can schedule live chat to automatically turn on and off based on your working hours (details below)

Add Live Chat To Your Website

  • Sign up for a free Tidio account here – no credit card is required.

  • Send us your integration code. To obtain this code, click on Channels on the left navigation toolbar and then copy the code shown under Integration and send it to us at [email protected] along with your domain name.

  • We will notify you when have added the integration to your website.  In the meantime, you can then download the app on your preferred device and apply customizations as outlined below.

Download the Tidio Application

  • You can install the Tidio chat software on your Windows PC, mobile device or both.

    Phone (Android or IOS)
    Search for Tidio in the app store and download. Login using the email and password you created  above when you set up your account.

    Click here to install the app on your PC.  Login using the email and password you created  above when you set up your account.

  • Turn Chat On/Off.
    Once you have logged onto your Tidio Chat account either on your phone or PC, click on the user icon located at the top right. A panel will open up where you can set your status to ONLINE or OFFLINE – choose ONLINE. The chat widget will appear on your website.  To hide the chat widget on your website, choose OFFLINE.  Visit your website to view how changing between ONLINE and OFFLINE works.

    Remember:  You must keep the Tidio Chat application open on your phone or PC at all times to receive notifications. If you are unavailable during regular hours, it is important that you set your status to OFFLINE.  This will disable the chat feature on your website until you change your status to ONLINE again. Simply closing the application will not work, you must change your status.

Customize Look and Schedule

  • Change Your Name and Profile Picture.

    You may want to show a picture of your face in the chat widget, rather than the default icon provided by Tidio.  To do this,  click your account icon located at the very top right of the Tidio Dashboard window.  A window will pop-up with your account details.  Click on the default icon shown in the circle and upload your own picture and name.

  • Custom the Appearance of the Website Widget.

    You can easily change the look of the chat pop-up on your website by configuring the appearance settings.  When logged in to your Tidio account, click on Channels located on the left navigation bar and then Appearance.

    You can changed the default colours, welcome text message, greetings and overall design of the widget to suit your personal tastes.

  • Configure Auto Online/Offline Based on Your Business Hours.
    You can configure Tidio chat to automatically go online/offline based on your business hours. To do so, login to your Tidio chat dashboard here and click on Settings located in the left navigation bar (the gear), and then Notifications.

    Complete the Do Not Disturb section. Here is an example of a schedule which automatically turns off chat in the evenings after 8PM and turns it back on automatically at 8AM.

Key Tips

  • To receive chat notifications, the Tidio Chat application must be open on your phone or PC and your chat status must be set to online.

  • Chat will auto disable based on your do not disturb hours.

  • If you are away during regular hours, remember to set your chat status to offline.

If you have any questions or require assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us – we’d be happy to assist.

4 11, 2017

How to upate your credit card.

STEP 1:  Please visit My Account to login to your Techlogical account.

If you can’t remember your password, click on the ‘Lost your password’ link as shown below. Enter your email associated to your account and a reset link will be sent to your email.

realtor website design

STEP 2:  There are two scenarios that require you to update your credit card.

Scenario #1
A recent renewal payment failed and you need to update your credit card.  In this case, once you have logged into the system, click on ‘Orders’ located on the left sidebar.  A list of orders appears.  Click on the Pay link next to the order that failed.  The order details appear.  Scroll to the bottom and enter your new credit card info.  Make sure you agree to the Terms & Conditions and then click PLACE ORDER as shown below.  You are done.  Click ‘Log out’ on the left side toolbar.

Scenario #2
You are up-to-date with no failed payments and you just want to change your credit card.    In this case, once you have logged into the system, click on ‘My Subscriptions’ located on the left sidebar.  Click on the  ‘Change Payment‘ link located in the middle of the screen.  Complete the credit card fields.  You are done.  Click ‘Log out’ on the left side toolbar.

If you have any questions or require assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us – we’d be happy to assist.

18 02, 2015

How to point your domain to our servers.

About Domains

All websites need to be associated to a Domain Name, such as or  Having a corporate domain will add a professional touch to your brand and allow us to create email addresses such as [email protected]

Domain Names typically cost under $15 per year. We highly recommend that you search for and purchase your Domain Name(s) from as they have a great reputation for pricing, customer service and ease of use.

We are here for you! If you are uncomfortable with registering a new domain, we will do it for you on your behalf – just contact us.

Step #1 – Register a Domain

If you already have a domain, please jump to Step #2 below.

When choosing a Domain Name try to follow these guidelines:

  1. Keep your Domain Name as short as possible.
  2. Make your Domain Name easy to spell.
  3. Do not use Trademarks in your name.  For example, you cannot use the word REALTOR® in your domain name as it is a Trademark and you may be forced to give it up.
  4. If you prefer a .ca (Canadian Domain) that is great, but you should also purchase the corresponding .com (Commercial Domain) address and vice versa.  This way if your clients mistakenly visit the wrong address, they still arrive at your site.

It is becoming increasingly harder to find a good Domain Name as many popular English words and phrases have already been reserved.  If you are having difficulty finding a great name try this nifty online tool, or contact us, we will be happy to provide some suggestions.

Step #2 – Point Your Domain to Us

Once you have a Domain Name, you need to point it to our servers so that your website will load correctly.  This is done by updating the DNS or Domain Name Servers for your Domain Name to point to the following:

If your Domain Name provider allows for only two entries, simply use the first two entries shown above.

Each Domain Name provider manages DNS differently via their admin panels.  As the majority of our clients use GoDaddy, we have provided a step-by-step guide to updating your Domain Name Server information, assuming you have already purchased your Domain Name from GoDaddy.

  1. Login to GoDaddy.
  2. Expand Domains
  3. Click on the ‘Manage DNS‘ button next to the Domain Name
  4. Under the caption Nameservers, click on the ‘Change‘ button.
    realtor website canada
  5. Click on Enter my own nameservers (advanced)
    realtor website canada
  6. Remove any existing name servers and replace them with the following and as shown below:
    realtor website canada
  7. Click on ‘Save’ button.
  8. Log out of GoDaddy and pat yourself on the back.

You are done!  It will take 4 to 24 hours for the changes to take effect and we will be notified automtically when the change is made.  This will not affect your current email or website.  If something goes wrong, please contact us, we’d be happy to assist.

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